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Child And Family Advocacy
We can help you navigate the mental health system. We will listen, answer questions, explain your rights, and partner with your family to assist you in finding the appropriate supports and services. We will empower you to be your own best advocate!
There is no cost for our child and family advocacy services and representation.
Age of Consent for Treatment
This law has been misinterpreted for years. We want to make sure that families and providers understand this updated law clarifying the age of consent law.
In 2020, PA’s mental health law Act 147 was replaced by Act 65 to clear up any misunderstanding of the interpretation and intentions of the law. Act 65 2020 “Gabby’s Law” reaffirms that a child 14 and up can consent to their own mental health treatment without parental consent.
In addition, it clarifies that a parent/legal guardian can consent to mental health treatment for a child between 14-17 even if the child objects. This leaves the decision in the hands of the doctors and guardians. If the parent is present and willing to consent to treatment, there should not be a need to 302 a child. Click below to learn more.
Back-to-School Transition Resources
Click here for the Transitioning Back-to-School From Inpatient Care Form: Please complete this form and return to Shelby Witmer at switmer@mhalancaster.org
Click here for “Planning for Successful Transition Back to School” From Inpatient Care handout: Here is a helpful resource for any parent or guardian who is looking to utilize our Family & Child Advocacy services, including common FAQs.
Advocacy At Your School
We can act as your educational advocate for the special education system by supporting you through the IEP/504 process. We can educate and empower you to advocate for your child and help facilitate conversations with the school to support your child. This can include reviewing plans, advising next steps, and attending meetings with you. You are your child’s biggest advocate, and I can give you the confidence you need to do it.
See what parents are saying about the process:
“I have more knowledge regarding the process. I now know what questions to ask and what evaluations to request.”
“Yes! She gave me the tools and information I needed to feel more confident during my meeting.”

Call our office at 717-397-7461 or email us at mha@mhalancaster.org to start the conversation for your child and the health of your entire family.
Contact MHA to ask whether your school is a part of this program at mha@mhalancaster.org or 717-397-7461. If you would like to bring mental health screening and education into your classroom, we would be happy to meet with you.

Take A Confidential Screening
If you don't know where to turn, and you would like to talk to someone about planning how to get help, then an MHA Advocate can help.
If you are a Lancaster County resident, then email mha@mhalancaster.org or call 717-397-7461 to schedule a time to begin a conversation for yourself, or someone you care about.
If you are outside of the Lancaster County area, please visit mhanational.org to locate the MHA office nearest to you.
Family Child Services Resources
The PEAL Center – Helping Families of Children with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs
The mission of the PEAL Center is to educate and empower families to ensure that children, youth and young adults with disabilities and special health care needs lead rich, active lives as full members of their schools and communities.
The Movement for Children’s Mental Health – On Our Sleeves
On Our Sleeves is the national movement to break stigmas around children’s mental health. No family should struggle alone on their journey. Our mission is to provide free mental health educational resources to every community in America to educate families and empower advocates. We also support access to services by connecting families to trusted local resources.
Understood is the leading nonprofit empowering 70 million people with learning and thinking differences in the United States.
Youth MOVE PA is a statewide youth and young adult advocacy organization dedicated to eliminating stigma surrounding mental health while promoting wellness and recovery for those seeking aid along their journey.
TeenCentral l Support for Teens Facing Mental Health Issues
TeenCentral is a website powered by KidsPeace as a free and safe prevention and intervention resource specifically for youth. On TeenCentral, you can find information on a variety of topics. You can also submit a story or post about any crisis, problem, or situation you’re struggling with and receive a therapeutic support response within 24 hours, safely, anonymously, and free of charge.
National Parent Helpline | 1.855.4A.PARENT (1-855-427-2736)
Parents Anonymous® Inc. is a premier family strengthening organization leading the way in prevention by positively impacting the well-being of families and communities worldwide.
NAMI | Teen & Young Adult HelpLine (1-800-950-NAMI)
NAMI is proud to introduce the Teen and Young Adult (TYA) HelpLine: A free nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals, and support to teens and young adults. Our T&YA Specialists are young people who understand what you’re going through because they have been through stuff, too. They are experienced and well-trained. They care and want to help you find a way forward. Reach out by phone, text, or chat.