Mission & Vision
Our mission is partnering to create a responsive, compassionate community and to eliminate suicide through education, advocacy, and support. Together, we envision a community free of the stigma associated with suicide and mental illness that is supportive of all those affected by suicide.Behind all of our work lie our core values:
- No Shame
- Accountability
- Affirming Worth & Dignity
- Compassionate Support
- Early Prevention
- Engaging Partners
- Inspiring Hope
We Are Dedicated to Educating Our Community
on the Prevalence of Suicide.
This includes understanding risk factors, creating awareness that removes the stigma of suicide, and leads to its elimination. In addition, we seek to support individuals and families impacted by suicide and direct them to the help needed to support their journey through grief and towards healing.

If You or Someone You Know is in Danger, Call!
National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline
800-273-TALK (8255)
Free Crisis Text Line
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Text “MHA” to:
National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline