To Help Save Lives
The Lancaster SPC offers a variety of programs in an effort to educate the local community in suicide prevention. We are now offering FREE gun lock kits, “Carry and Share” wallet cards and display signs. Our parent, MHA of Lancaster County, offers customized resources, speakers, panelists and QPR (Suicide Prevention Training) to support the Lancaster SPC mission. Visit the MHA Mental Health Academy and QPR pages for more information.
How many suicide deaths by firearm can be prevented through education & gun locks?
In 2016, 34 of the 54 (63%) Suicides that occurred in Lancaster County involved a firearm.
In 2017 it was 36 of the 60 (60%).
2018: 41 of 66 (62%)
2019: 33 of 52 (63%)
2020: 39 of 58 (67%)
2021: 40 of 69 (58%)
2022: 33 of 63 (52%)
2023: 37 of 76 (49%) -> 31 were Men.
On average, 22 Veteran lives are lost to suicides across the United States each day.
Our goal is to help eliminate unintentional and suicide deaths by firearm.
Gun Locks Project
In partnership with Penn Medicine and the Sheriff's Office, MHALC is proud to announce our new "Gun Lock Project".
1. free gun lock
2. veteran and county crisis cards
3. gun safety booklets
4. a flyer about the program, including related stats
Gun Lock Kits are available for pick up, at no cost, at any time. Please contact our office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m at 717-397-7461 or to arrange pick up of the kit(s), which are intended for securing any unsecured firearms that you are aware of.
To learn more about this initiative, please visit the Gun Lock Page.
Be Ready For A Crisis
Wallet Cards and Disply Signs Could Make A Difference In Someone’s Life
Carry & Share Wallet Cards
**Now available in Spanish**
These cardstock cards fold up discreetly into a business card-sized resources that can be carried:
1. in your purse
2. in your wallet
3. in your backpack or briefcase
4. in any room on a countertop
Request a stack for your office, classroom, reception area or a group of people you would like to share them with. Please contact the MHA office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 717-397-7461 or to arrange a pick up of the cards, which are intended to prepare YOU to have a way to refer someone to both crisis and non-crisis support.
Display A Text Crisis Sign
Request hard-copy or electronic copy of the Text Crisis Sign. This sign can be hung on the wall, inserted behind Plexiglas and positioned for viewing in any room without calling attention to it.
Use it at the point of sale, in a reception area, or any location where someone struggling alone might notice it – and hopefully text for help. 741-741 is easier to remember than a phone number – and texting can be done privately from anywhere.
Request your free signs and any other mental health resources you would like to display by contacting MHA at or by calling 717-397-7461.
Mental Health Academy
We can help your school classroom, work place, event group, place of worship or organization take the necessary steps to provide education on difficult subjects. Request a presentation, panelist, resources,speaker or training for your student body, staff, volunteers or community group.
Contact MHA at 717-397-7461 or to start a conversation based on your educational goals. We are working both in-person and virtually throughout the Covid-19 pandemic to meet your needs. Our office is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Our topics can be customized or recommended based on common themes:
- Suicide Prevention
- De-Escalation and Conflict
- Resolution
- Specific Mental Illnesses
- Self Care
- Stress Management