Compeer Lancaster is a program of Mental Health America of Lancaster County that matches adults in the community who are in recovery from mental illness with a volunteer friend. One-to-one matches spend about 4 hours together per month, engaging in activities such as going for a walk, getting a cup of coffee, or watching a sporting event. Compeer Calling volunteers check in with their friend by phone for about 15 minutes every week.
Compeer friends are not counselors, therapists, or social workers; they are simply friends who provide social support to their match. If you know how to be a friend, you know how to be a Compeer.
Program Coordinator: | Lauren joined Compeer Lancaster in July 2022 after spending 20+ years as a professional chef and 3 years working inside state psychiatric hospitals. She is currently in the Millersville University program for social work. Lauren is happily married to her wife, Karen, and they share 3 dogs together. To Contact Compeer: |
Compeer Lancaster is a program of Mental Health America of Lancaster County
245 Butler Avenue, Suite 204| Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 397-7461 | compeer@compeerlancaster.org
Please Reach Out
We Are Listening 24/7
Lancaster Crisis
National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline
800-273-TALK (8255)
Free Crisis Text Line
Text "MHA" to:

Compeer Volunteers
We are always accepting applications for One-to-One and Compeer Calling volunteers. Download the appropriate application below and return it to the Compeer office per the directions within.
Questions about which program is right for you? Reach out to the Compeer office at (717) 397-7461.